Detailed program

The timetable is set as follows and the titles detailed below:


US speakers:

  • Wilkins AQUINO (Duke University, Durham, NC):

PDE-constrained optimization techniques for materials identification with interior data

  • Lallit ANAND (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA):

A Cahn-Hilliard-type theory for species diffusion coupled with large elastic-plastic deformations. Application to Li-ion electrode materials

  • Oana CAZACU (University of Florida, FL):

The role played by the matrix plastic flow on the rate of void growth and collapse in polycristalline metals

  • Jiun Shyan CHEN (University Of California, San Diego, CA):

A Damage Analysis for Brittle Materials Using Stochastic Micro-Structural Information

  • Alberto CUITINO (Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ):

Evolution of the microstructure during the process of consolidation and bonding in soft granular solids

  • Charbel FARHAT (Stanford University, Stanford, CA):

A multilevel projection-based model reduction framework for efficient multiscale modeling

  • Wing K. LIU (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL):

Linking Process, Structure, Property, and Performance for Metal-based Additive Manufacturing: Computational Approaches with Experimental Support

  • John MICHOPOULOS (Naval Research Laboratory):

High Performance Data-Driven Multiscale Inverse Constitutive Characterization of Composites

  • Dirk MOHR (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA and ETH Zurich, Switzerland):

Large deformation response of stable cellular solids: from truss lattice structures to hollow sphere assemblies

  • Alan NEEDLEMAN (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX):

Modeling meso-scale heterogeneous pastic deformation

  • Adam PILCHAK (Air Force Research Laboratory / RXCM):

Modeling the Occurrence of Rarely Occurring Microstructural Features

  • Anthony ROLLETT (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA):

Void formation at boundaries under incipient spall conditions

  • Dave ROWENHORST (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC):

The Statistical Analysis of Grain Boundary Networks in Polycrystalline Materials

  • Joost J. VLASSAK (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA):

Solid-State Reactions in Nano-Laminates Analyzed using a Combined Approach of First-Principles Calculations and Experimental Nanocalorimetry


French speakers:

  • Zoheir ABOURA and Alain RASSINEUX (Université de Technologie de Compiègne):

3D composite materials: experimental and numerical approach

  • Esteban BUSSO (ONERA, Chatillon):

On the incorporation of environmental effects in multi-scale modelling approaches

  • Olivier CASTELNAU (Arts et Métiers Paristech, Paris):

Stress field at the micron scale measured by in situ laue microdiffraction and HR-EBSD techniques: recent developments

  • Paco CHINESTA (Centrale Nantes):

New trends in the numerical modeling of materials and processes: combining model order reduction and machine learning

  • Félix DARVE (Université de Grenoble):

Discrete element modeling in granular media partially saturated and post-failure conditions

  • Julie DIANI (École Polytechnique):

The role of rubber-filler interphase on the mechanical behavior of carbon-black filled rubbers

  •  Xavier FEAUGAS (Université de la Rochelle):

Micromechanism of cyclic plasticity and their implication on strain localisation, irreversibility of strain and crack initiation – A review of recent advances : in honor of Michel Clavel Dead on september 15th, 2015

  • Pierre FEISSEL (Université de Technologie de Compiègne):

Towards damage indicators based on  the diffuse approximation of DIC data

  • Jean-François GANGHOFFER (Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy):

Analysis of nonlinear wave propagation in periodic lattices accounting for size effects

  • Adnan IBRAHIMBEGOVIC (UTC Sorbonne Universités, Compiègne):

Multiscale method and probability based explanation of size effect in localized failure of heterogeneous composites

  • Djimedo KONDO (UPMC, Sorbonne Universités):

Nanocomposites and nanoporous system, what’s new?

  • Henry PROUDHON (Mines ParisTech, Paris):

From X-Ray diffraction and tomography to finite elements to study the deformation of metallic materials

  • Sylvain QUEYREAU (Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Universités):

Modeling the Bauschinger effect and cyclic hardening in single crystals from dislocation dynamics simulations

  • Laslo TOTH (Univ de Lorraine, Metz):

The limits of grain fragmentation in severe plastic deformation

  • Aurélien VATTRE (CEA-DAM, Bruyères-le-châtel):

On the Frank-Bilby equation and dislocation patterns at semicoherent interfaces