
The symposium is being hosted by Roberval Laboratory of Mechanics, University of Technology of Compiegne in France and co-organized by Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universités.

It is the ninth in a series of annual US-France symposia of the International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics ICACM. ICACM (see website…. for more details) is a partnership between several French and American Universities with the scope of promoting joint research at the forefront of computational mechanics. The focus of the 9th symposium will be on the latest advances in experimental and computational mechanics aimed at understanding the material behavior at lower scales by accounting for the contribution of the microstructure.

It will gather researchers from different fields and with different scientific backgrounds including mechanics of materials , material sciences, chemistry, biomechanics, advanced experimental techniques and computational mechanics to allow cross fertilization. Contributions on both experimental and theoretical/modeling studies will be considered in order to stimulate discussions and interactions. The symposium will feature invited talks on progress in multi-scale and multi-physics modeling that go beyond the state-of-the-art materials research. All the presentations are by invitation only. The symposium will culminate with panel discussions on future directions and merging technologies between distinguished experts from the United States and France working in academia, National laboratories, and industry.



2014: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA

2013: Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble, S3R, Aussois, France

2012: Rutgers University, New York, NY, USA

2011: University of Florida/ REEF, ICTAM 2011 and IUTAM Symposium, Pensacola, FL, USA

2010: University Paris XIII, Sorbonne Universités, CNRS – LPMTM, Paris, France

2009: University of Florida – REEF, Shalimar, FL, USA

2008: DGA-Gramat, Rocamadour, France

2007: University of Florida – REEF, Shalimar, FL, USA